Saturday, August 12, 2023

Review: DEVOLUTION by Max Brooks (2020)

I really was ecstatic at the premise of DEVOLUTION [Mount Rainier! Eruption! Covert Cryptids!] (I'm one who spends time pondering a potential Yellowstone eruption, so the quantity of active volcano potential [18] in the Cascades is really exciting--and terrifying! 😳) Anyway, the novel got off to a good start and kept my attention for the most part, although eventually it did seem somewhat overwhelming (this from a person who gleefully devours "Hard Science" Science Fiction). I can actually feature a sequel at some point: there's definitely some threads that could be picked up on, cultural, psychological, and In terms of evolution, both that of the cryptids and that of the human survivors. Also, I wish that the devolution and psychological and moral collapse of certain of the human party could have been expanded on. That would have really impressed me. I think there was a strong thread of that about which we just didn't learn enough. 🤔 In addition, the explication of the Cryptids as descendants of a prehistoric branch of evolution is fascinating. (Inquiring minds want more!)

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