Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Review: EVOLUTION by Stephen Baxter

674 pages. 5 days to read. An incredibly detailed examination of genetics, mutation and adaptation, biology, geology, geography, from back before the Dinosaur Era up into the Near Future [2130 and beyond]. Author Stephen Baxter demonstrates by fictionalizing individually and in groups (tribes and species) various different eras as the planet and life on the planet evolved. I found the utterly detailed description of the destruction wrought by the Comet ending the Dinosaur 🦕 Era horrifying and painful to read; but "watching" the Evolution of Consciousness in humans was intriguing and educational. My other takeaway was how much the human species over all these millenia has to answer for: not just the fossil fuel consumption and thinning of the ozone layer in the 20th and 21st century: also throughout time, wanton wholesale destruction of species, burning entire forests as a routine method of hunting! True that climate change and geological change occurred apart from Humanity, but the human species has repeatedly failed to live in harmony with its only available Planet.

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