Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Review of THE AMBER PROJECT by JN Chaney [Variant #1]

The Amber Project (Volume 1)The Amber Project by J.N. Chaney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Review of THE AMBER PROJECT by JN Chaney

THE AMBER PROJECT is a very engrossing dystopian near-futuristic science fiction novel, the debut entry in a series. In the 22nd century, a gas overtakes the planet, destroying almost all of humanity, except a small enclave which is able to make its way underground and construct a city. For two centuries, the survivors continue to transmit communications to the surface, hoping against despair that someone on the surface has managed to survive, but there has been no response. For the underground inhabitants, life is almost militaristic: very highly structured, without joy or happiness for the most part.
I had for some time nearly given up on reading Dystopiana as a sub-genre, for it seemed every novel I encountered was beyond depressing. However, author JN Chaney has reawakened my interest in this category, and I highly recommend THE AMBER PROJECT to readers looking to try out Dystopian sci fi, and to those looking for a riveting sci fi read.

View all my reviews

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