I'm thrilled to participate in the second annual Sci-Fi Summer Readathon, hosted by champion reader-blogger Michelle Miller at
Summer Sci-fi Readathon
Follow my Readathon progress at:
June Sci-fi Readathon Shelf
Readathon runs June -7. Rock your Sci-Fi love!
Day One Post
I haven't completed a book, but I have read portions of several. Last Sunday, in just a few hours time because I couldn't stop turning pages, I read NOMAD, Book 1 of the NOMAD Series by Matthew Mathers, a science fiction near-future apocalyptic thriller (and very terrifying). So I decided to read the next two books in the series (I don't yet own the newly-released Book 4) during Sci Fi Readathon (which I wish was two weeks or a month in duration {smile}. So on Day One I started SANCTUARY (Book 2).
I also started PARABLE OF THE SOWER by Octavia Butler (included in the EARTHSEED Duology). Wow! Octavia Butler was a tremendously talented author. But reading this novel is seriously depressing; I keep reminding myself how much more despairing to live in the near-future Dystopiana Butler recounts. I plan to read both PARABLE OF THE SOWER and PARABLE OF THE TALENTS during this Readathon. I already know Butler's vast imagination will stretch my own.
I also began reading Jason M. Hough's THE DARWIN ELEVATOR, a futuristic sci fi thriller set in Australia (2283). This one has invisible aliens who built a space elevator and disappeared, a worldwide plague, “immunes,” and space smuggling (shades of C. J. Cherryh!). I plan to read both books in this Duology as well.
In addition, I expect to read (or at least to commence), Greg Bear's EON Series (LEGACY, EON, ETERNAL).
Day Two-Day Three Update:
Day Two, I completed SANCTUARY by Matthew Mather (Book Two in the NOMAD Series), and read a sci fi short story, PROJECT SNOW, by Cherita Smith.
Day Three I was on a roll, completing THE DARWIN ELEVATOR by Jason M. House (Dire Earth Duology #1), and reading THE DARWIN EFFECT by Mark Lukens, a super novel all around which will receive a glowing review. I started FALL OF ZONA NOX by Nicholas Woode-Smith. I also commenced DARWIN'S RADIO by Greg Bear, Book 1 in a duology (I will also be reading Book 2, DARWIN'S CHILDREN, during this readathon). Greg Bear is such an exceptional author, and his work exemplifies why I read science fiction. He is an intellect, extremely knowledgeable, a true Renaissance man. For instance, he demonstrates a vast breadth of knowledge in geopolitics, history (global, not just his native region), current events, languages, and of course, Science! He is fast becoming one of my favorite sci fi authors, along with Peter F. Hamilton.
Day Four-Five
Quality, not quantity, this time: 4 novels, 1 short story, so far. Yesterday I read a fantastic new release, Resurrection America by Jeff Gunhus, which is near future and science-based, small-scale engineered apocalypse. Great book.
I've read 5 novels plus one short story, all science fiction:
and a short story, PROJECT SNOW.
I also read about 20% of DARWIN'S CHILDREN, the sequel to DARWIN'S RADIO.